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Learning How Not to Eat Is As Important As Learning What to Eat

Our ancient ancestors often went long periods without food triggering a survival phenomena that activated a powerful category of enzymes I call Newzymes.

These Newzymes shredded the defective protein in their cells and through a process called apoptosis recycled the waste protein into new good protein capable of repairing the cells of the body’s vital organs.

Thus our ancestors could go for a long period of time without food and not only survive but also clean out the bad protein in their cells.

Our body today still has that efficient “Recycling System” which is part of our “Innate Immune System.”

Our innate immune system is our oldest immune function but we are just now coming to understand it and how to work with it to protect our health.

Two Noble prizes were awarded in the last few years for helping to identify this process.

That is why I am saying we are at the beginning of a “Health Revolution.”

This Health Revolution will understand how to work with our innate immune system by boosting our newzymes, detoxifying our cells and strengthening our life force.

What Is the Innate Immune System?

Immune force inside each of our 60 trillion cells

Unique cell sensors called toll-like receptors (TLRs) catch foreign invaders and secrete antibacterial and antiviral substances

These same sensors transmit information on the foreign invaders not only to the cell on which they are located but also to other cells nearby so that they marshal a powerful and instantaneous defense response.

Pathogens that penetrate cells, escaping the attacks of the antibacterial and antiviral substances, are faced with the next defense strategy, intracellular detoxification.

In intracellular detoxification, the pathogens are shredded on a molecular level in a process called autophagy. Literally, the pathogens are identified inside the cell, bagged and shredded by enzymes.


How do we activate this Recycling System?

We take a cue from our ancient ancestors and create a “little hunger.”

When we don’t eat for a certain amount of time the body’s recycling system will kick in, our newzymes will be activated, and the defective protein in our cells will be shredded and turned into healthy protein.

That’s why I say to “Learn to enjoy a little hunger.”

We eat too much and we eat too often. Our bodies never get to feel hungry. Wait until your tummy growls before you feed it again.

That is why I say learning how not to eat is as important as learning what to eat.


Wake up your enzyme power!

The process of Metabolism in your digestive system creates a lot of chemicals and these chemicals create toxic debris. It’s the same on the cellular level. Defective protein in the cells builds up as waste. This waste clogs the neuronal connections in the brain and is now being understood as a possible cause for Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease and depression and more. 95% of the serotonin needed by the brain is produced in the intestines.


Shinya Biozyme

1. Water is the most important aspect of the Shinya Biozyme.

2. Shinya Little Fast. What I am teaching is how not to eat is as important as how to eat.

3. Remove toxic debris from your intestines and your cells


1. Cellular Rejuvenation
2. The Shinya Little Fast
3. The Miracle of "Good Water"
4. The Plant Power Diet

Shinya Little Fast

1. Don't eat after 6pm.
2. Upon awakening the next morning drink 2-3 cups of good water (Kangen water if you have access).
3. Eat a piece of whole fruit only.
4. Drink 2-3 cups of water before lunch.
5. Eat a light lunch such as miso or vegetable broth soup.

Most Important is to learn to enjoy a sense of feeling hungry. Feeling hunger is an indication of intracellular detoxification.



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