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Ellen G. White

Ellen Gould White (born Harmon) (November 26, 1827 – July 16, 1915) was a prolific Christian author and one of the American Christian pioneers whose ministry was instrumental in founding the seventh-day Sabbatarian Adventist movement that led to the rise of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Her writings covered theology, evangelism, Christian lifestyle, education and health (she also advocated vegetarianism). She promoted the establishment of schools and medical centers. During her lifetime she wrote more than 5,000 periodical articles and 40 books; but today, including compilations from her 50,000 pages of manuscript, more than 100 titles are available in English.

Ellen White menurut Clive M. McCay, ahli nutrisi dari Cornell University:

"In 1915 at the ripe age of 88 died one of the most remarkable women that America has produced. Her name was Ellen White. Although she had only a few months of formal schooling when a child, her list of books even today numbers about 60. Some of these are books about her or compilations from her lectures...

The writings of Ellen White... provide a guide to nutrition that comprehends the whole body. Much of this wisdom of the past is not understood today...

Ellen White died before modern biochemistry... and the composition of foods [was understood] ,—but if people followed her plan even today they would be far better fed than they are in their attempts to eat bad diets and then compensate by miracle foods. She advocated simple, natural diets, low in fat, low in salt, well prepared and modest in amount. Gradually she became a vegetarian,... [and] taught the importance of good food for health and the essentiality of a healthy body if we are to have a good soul"


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Kemoterapi adalah racun yang mematikan

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Air putih minuman terbaik

Mengenai minum air putih menurut Hiromi Shinya di buku " The Miracle of Enzyme " (2005): Satu “kebiasaan baik” yang saya praktikkan setiap hari adalah meminum sekitar 500ml air setiap satu jam sebelum makan. Sering orang berkata bahwa sebaiknya anda banyak minum air yang baik setiap hari untuk kesehatan. Sama halnya ada waktu yang baik untuk makan, ada pula waktu yang baik untuk minum. Saya yakin, mereka yang menanam sendiri tanaman mereka mengerti akan hal ini. Toh, pengairan yang berlebihan bagi tanaman akan menyebabkan akar membusuk, dan tanaman akan layu dan mati. Seperti halnya ada periode waktu dan banyaknya air yang sesuai untuk menyiram tanaman, hal yang sama juga dapat dikatakan mengenai mengonsumsi air bagi manusia. Tubuh manusia sebagian besar tersusun oleh air. Bayi dan anak-anak kecil terdiri dari kira-kira 80% air, orang dewasa 60-70%, dan manula 50-60%. Bayi memiliki kulit yang tampak segar dan muda karena sel-sel mereka mengandung banyak air. San

Mempelajari bagaimana tidak makan sama pentingnya

Learning How Not to Eat Is As Important As Learning What to Eat Our ancient ancestors often went long periods without food triggering a survival phenomena that activated a powerful category of enzymes I call Newzymes. These Newzymes shredded the defective protein in their cells and through a process called apoptosis recycled the waste protein into new good protein capable of repairing the cells of the body’s vital organs. Thus our ancestors could go for a long period of time without food and not only survive but also clean out the bad protein in their cells. Our body today still has that efficient “Recycling System” which is part of our “Innate Immune System.” Our innate immune system is our oldest immune function but we are just now coming to understand it and how to work with it to protect our health. Two Noble prizes were awarded in the last few years for helping to identify this process. That is why I am saying we are at the beginning of a “Health Revolution.” This H