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Shinya Hiromi (新谷弘実)

Dr. Hiromi Shinya designed and developed a life-saving medical tool for the endoscopic treatment of polyps. Without requiring use of surgery, his revolutionary “Shinya Method” has become widely used in colonoscopies, the standard screening for the leading, non-tobacco related cancer killer in the US, colon cancer. Dr. Shinya is world renowned in performing intestinal-related procedures, and is known to have examined more than 300,000 stomachs and large intestines, and has performed nearly 100,000 polypectomies.


1935 Born in Yanagawa City, Fukuoka Japan

1960 Worked for Yokosuka US Army hospital as an intern after graduating from Juntendo University School of Medicin

1963 Visited the United States and worked as a surgical resident at Beth Israel Hospital

1967 Began to use gastro camera fiberscope as a senior resident

1968 Began to use colon fiberscope as a chief resident

1969 Removed large intestine polyps without surgery (The first in the world!)

1971 Reported a paper on polypectomy at American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

1972 Became an assistant professor of surgery at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine and a director of endoscopy at Beth Israel hospital.

1981 Became a professor of surgery at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine. (until 1994)

1994 Became the professor of surgery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the head of the endoscopic center of Beth Israel Hospital. Became Vice-chairman of Japanese Medical Association in USA.

Present Dr. Shinya continues to lead a very busy office practice.


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